
We are very grateful to all those who support CCiS. We particularly value prayer for our work. We run dedicated prayer meetings for CCiS. To find out about these or receive our prayer updates please sign up for our regular newsletter:


If you are interested in volunteering for CCiS please do contact us.

Partnering with Churches

CCiS works in partnership with local churches. If you would be interested in someone from CCiS visiting your church or leadership team to give you more details of our work we would love to hear from you.


CCiS is funded by donations from churches and individuals to whom we are very grateful. Please consider giving to CCiS to maintain and develop the work in schools. You can do this in the following ways:

  • Donate online
  • Make a bank transfer to Christian Connections in Schools, sort code 40 52 40, account number 00032898
  • Set up a standing order (bank details as above) which enables the trustees to plan more effectively.  Contact for a standing order form if required
  • Send a cheque (payable to Christian Connections in Schools) to: The Treasurer, CCiS, Westfield, 3c College Avenue, Maidenhead SL6 6AR
  • If you are a taxpayer, contact for a Gift Aid declaration form to increase the value of your donation by 25%
  • Leave a bequest to CCiS, using our charity name Christian Connections in Schools and registered number 1150149